Photography captures for us both the obvious beauty of the world we live in as well as the elusive beauty of the everyday life around which we often miss. The enormous possibilities that the art of photography enables to celebrate the world around us, inspired me to take this up as a casual hobby at first, but soon plunge headlong to pursue it with greater passion which it demands.
As a fulltime IT professional, there have been often long hours at work but that has not deterred me from chasing my dream of learning and mastering various nuances of the art of photography. I have learnt from all possible avenues, from youtube videos to articles from photography magazines and websites. I am also quite indebted to guidance received from the FSO Photography Group headed by Mr.Lal Nallath over the past couple of years. With them, I have traveled to various intriguing locations across the UAE, learning extensively with each of the photo shoots.
From personal portraits to the beauty of the wilderness, from the extraordinary monuments to the allure of the everyday domestic life, photography transcends boundaries in its attempt to reveal the beauty of a moment in a timeless frame. Therefore it is a fascinating journey for every avid photographer and most certainly for me, there is an insatiable quest to excel on the craft.
The pursuit of photography as a serious passion wouldn’t be possible without the necessary tech gear. Since I bought my first DSLR nearly three years ago, I have thereafter experimented with various accessories and techniques vital to be more versatile, whether at outdoor or indoor locations as well as day or night shoots.
I am hopeful, you will enjoy looking at some of the samples from my body of work so far. I will appreciate if you could leave me some feedback or drop me a line on my email id.